
Packing for the Fleche, which starts in less than 12 hours.  And I just realized that all of my cycling clothing for the ride is wool:  wool underlayer by Patagonia; wool El Fitto 3/4 bib knickers and long-sleeve jersey from Ibex; wool blend socks from Ibis.  I’ve got a very bright (“Screaming Yellow”), synthetic vest  from Pearl Izumi, but that will never touch my skin.

This is a recent development for me.  I started out cycling (all of nearly three years ago) assuming that the latest synthetics were the most comfortable, and the brightest colors were the safest riding gear. Now when I get dressed, I reach for whatever wool gear I have.  It breathes better, feels very soft and smooth against the skin, has a wider range of temperature control, and best of all, does not stink when you sweat in it.  I particularly like this last reason on most rides, but will appreciate it even more Sunday afternoon when I’m riding the train home.  Besides wool just looks better.  The colors tend to be solids, and generally quieter than most synthetic jerseys.  And I’m not convinced that bright colors in a jersey equal safety.

I just wish I could afford more wool gear.

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